Today Expediting is an integral part of the procurement process.
In the past, Expediting has been considered a corrective function rather than a preventive function. However, as both the schedule and the pricing of projects continue to become increasingly critical.
Expediting should be incorporated into the project planning at the onset to ensure the required timely delivery. Expediting is a continuous process, commencing at the time of order placement, of ensuring that final delivery of goods and documentation to the job site is achieved within the shortest possible timeframe.
Expediting service should be implemented independently of inspection activities and be carried out by experienced professional field expeditors who have a sufficient understanding of the material on order to enable them to work with the manufacturer to minimize the time frame for each. Manufacturing phase as much as is physically and financially possible.
Depending on client requirements, expediting services may apply at different stages of a project such as fabrication and assembly, rectification work, material deficit, failure on test or inspection, shipment and packing, and submission of documentation.